Sharing and repairing are vital to creating a more sustainable, circular society.

ShaRepair Practices is a 5-year research project led by Wageningen University.

Through this NWO funded project, we’re exploring how these everyday practices can reshape urban life and reduce our environmental footprint.

With collaboration across science, industry, and society, ShaRepair Practices looks at ways to make sharing and repairing easier and more common in the Netherlands.


What we consume has a big impact on the planet.

By sharing what we have and repairing what we own, we can help shift away from wasteful practices. But these practices aren’t yet common. Did you know?

Only 30% of Dutch people regularly repair items, according to recent research by PBL. Less than 1% engage in sharing practices. 

ShaRepair Practices is about finding out why these numbers are so low and what can be done to encourage change. 



Regurarly repairs items



Engages in sharing practices


Our Mission

ShaRepair practices brings together researchers, communities, and policymakers to uncover the barriers to sharing and repairing and to design solutions that work for real people in their daily lives.

How we work

We’re combining expertise from sociology, design, and environmental sciences with input from governments, businesses, and citizens to explore how sharing and repairing can become the norm. 


What existing constraints and knowledge gaps do we address?


Social barriers & enablers to mainstreaming circular practices among societal actors and citizens​


Limited understanding of rebounds and material impacts


Capacities of societal stakeholders to scale up change are constrained​



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